Many patients have been coming to Artlife Delhi Center since its opening.They have been benefited from Artlife Products.They are satisfied with their treatment.We are towards Healthy India with world class products, with top quality ingredients, with latest technology. Lets help others to gain health, lets keep hands together to make India Healthy.

Age :56
Problem : pain in knees, urine problem, swelling and knees can’t move easily
Product use : Jointgel, Urogel, Cardiogel, Neurostabil Toxfighter Lux , Essential Oil, Artimizime, Hepar Formula and Green Star
Result : No Swelling , 90% relief in pain and now knee is movable. Perfectly alright
No urine problem
Problem : pain in knees, urine problem, swelling and knees can’t move easily
Product use : Jointgel, Urogel, Cardiogel, Neurostabil Toxfighter Lux , Essential Oil, Artimizime, Hepar Formula and Green Star
Result : No Swelling , 90% relief in pain and now knee is movable. Perfectly alright
No urine problem
Name: Ram Babu Sharma

Age : 30
Problem : Problem: Pain in gums, smell, pain in teeth from hot and cold and bleeding from gums
Product use : N‐Zim, Toxfighter Lux are taken under guidance of Dr. Ahmad .
Result : No smell in mouth, no pain in teeth and no bleeding from gums.
Problem : Problem: Pain in gums, smell, pain in teeth from hot and cold and bleeding from gums
Product use : N‐Zim, Toxfighter Lux are taken under guidance of Dr. Ahmad .
Result : No smell in mouth, no pain in teeth and no bleeding from gums.
Name:Amit Gupta

Age:34 yrs
Problem : (Arthritis) Joint Pain n swelling in left knee.Unable to walk due to pain.
Product use :Jointgel, Jointflex,Green Star,Neurostabil,Novomegin,Complex of Enzym plus & Toxfighter Lux
Result : Initial use of Jointgel & Jointflex resulting in reduced swelling.Combined use of all the above mentioned brought about rapid improvement.After using for 6 months now,my problem has been cured around 80%. Now I am able to walk easily.These medicines are very effective.
Problem : (Arthritis) Joint Pain n swelling in left knee.Unable to walk due to pain.
Product use :Jointgel, Jointflex,Green Star,Neurostabil,Novomegin,Complex of Enzym plus & Toxfighter Lux
Result : Initial use of Jointgel & Jointflex resulting in reduced swelling.Combined use of all the above mentioned brought about rapid improvement.After using for 6 months now,my problem has been cured around 80%. Now I am able to walk easily.These medicines are very effective.
Name: Badshah Pandey

Age :45
Problem : Dropping of hand paralytic and unable to walk even with help of somebody
Products use : Sorbiogel, Sedagel, Cardiogel, Joint flex, neurostable, Essential Oil, Gastrigel, Green Star, Complex of Enzyme, and Kissel Berry are taken under guidance of Dr. Deepti.
Result : Some movements of his extremities quite better than before. He is now able to walk some distance with the help of somebody.
Problem : Dropping of hand paralytic and unable to walk even with help of somebody
Products use : Sorbiogel, Sedagel, Cardiogel, Joint flex, neurostable, Essential Oil, Gastrigel, Green Star, Complex of Enzyme, and Kissel Berry are taken under guidance of Dr. Deepti.
Result : Some movements of his extremities quite better than before. He is now able to walk some distance with the help of somebody.
Name: Nirmal Jain

Age :58
Problem : Pain radiating in right leg from back, fluctuating High B.P, Osteoporosis, Joint Pain, Breathlessness while walking
Products use : Sorbiogel, Sedagel, Cardiogel, Jointgel, Joint flex, neurostable, complex of Enzymes, Essential Oil, Toxfighter, Women’s Formula, Green Star, Hepar, Urogel are prescribed by Dr. Deepti.
Result : The radiating pain in her right leg is slower down very much. She is very comfortable in her routine works now
Problem : Pain radiating in right leg from back, fluctuating High B.P, Osteoporosis, Joint Pain, Breathlessness while walking
Products use : Sorbiogel, Sedagel, Cardiogel, Jointgel, Joint flex, neurostable, complex of Enzymes, Essential Oil, Toxfighter, Women’s Formula, Green Star, Hepar, Urogel are prescribed by Dr. Deepti.
Result : The radiating pain in her right leg is slower down very much. She is very comfortable in her routine works now
Name:Ayushi Mansukhani

Age:9 Yrs
Problem : Frequent congestion,cough,cold,breathing problem (mainly during
season change, dust allergy)
Products use :Kissel Berry, Hepar Formula, Karkade Candy
Result :Improving.Better condition of cough and cold. Frequency reduced.
Problem : Frequent congestion,cough,cold,breathing problem (mainly during
season change, dust allergy)
Products use :Kissel Berry, Hepar Formula, Karkade Candy
Result :Improving.Better condition of cough and cold. Frequency reduced.
Name:Sita Devi

sAge :32
Problem : Gastric, Pain in knees, Swelling in body, Palpitation, Disturb menstrual cycle. Products use : Sorbiogel, Artemizine, Hepar Formula, Joint Flex, Kissel Berry, Complex of Enzymes, Women’s Formula, Cardiogel are taken under guidance of Dr. Deepti.
Result : Swelling reduces much more and the acid reflex tendency is also slower down and feel good amount of energy. The MC is now regularize.
Problem : Gastric, Pain in knees, Swelling in body, Palpitation, Disturb menstrual cycle. Products use : Sorbiogel, Artemizine, Hepar Formula, Joint Flex, Kissel Berry, Complex of Enzymes, Women’s Formula, Cardiogel are taken under guidance of Dr. Deepti.
Result : Swelling reduces much more and the acid reflex tendency is also slower down and feel good amount of energy. The MC is now regularize.
Name: Krishna

Age :40
Problem : Pain in Joints, weakness, all joints (symmetrical) stiff and unable to movement, acidity. She has got deformed, joints in hands and known case of rheumatoid, Arthritis. She had very low HB.
Products use : Gastrigel, Cardiogel, Jointgel, Joint flex, Neurostable, Green Star, Essential Oil, Sorbiogel, Sedagel, Complex of Enzymes are taken under guidance of Dr. Deepti
Result : The nature of pain is subside at quite degree. She is now able to do her own work by herself properly. Even stiffness is body reduces very much and hemoglobin in blood is also rises
Problem : Pain in Joints, weakness, all joints (symmetrical) stiff and unable to movement, acidity. She has got deformed, joints in hands and known case of rheumatoid, Arthritis. She had very low HB.
Products use : Gastrigel, Cardiogel, Jointgel, Joint flex, Neurostable, Green Star, Essential Oil, Sorbiogel, Sedagel, Complex of Enzymes are taken under guidance of Dr. Deepti
Result : The nature of pain is subside at quite degree. She is now able to do her own work by herself properly. Even stiffness is body reduces very much and hemoglobin in blood is also rises

Age :35
Problem : Weakness, Gastric, Vomiting, Indigestion
Products use : Gastrigel, Hepar Formula, Complex of Enzyme plus are taken under guidance of Dr. Ahmad.
Result : Stop vomiting, digestive system strong, no gastric
Problem : Weakness, Gastric, Vomiting, Indigestion
Products use : Gastrigel, Hepar Formula, Complex of Enzyme plus are taken under guidance of Dr. Ahmad.
Result : Stop vomiting, digestive system strong, no gastric
Many patients of different diseases like Asthma,Jointpain,Skin allergy,Myopia,Diabetes,
Obesity,Depression,Heart Problem,Digestive-liver problem etc are treated and benefited
Artlife Testimonies