Thyrobalance (TBALANCE) 90 Capsules INR 1170/-) Buy!
'Thyrobalance' is recommended as a dietary supplement, an additional source of iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, cobalt and L-tyrosine which are required for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and proper synthesis of thyroid hormones in the human body, thereby promoting general health.It normalize metabolic processes, a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improve attention and memory, psycho-emotional status.
In recent years, increasing concern of physicians is a steady increase in the number of thyroid diseases. Iodine deficiency - one of the major factors predisposing to thyroid disease, the greatest relevance, this problem has in childhood, adolescence and during pregnancy.
Artlife Company, based on an integrated approach to the problem, developed a dietary supplement Thyrobalance providing a systemic effect on thyroid metabolism, the synthesis and the thyroid hormone balance, protecting cells from oxidative stress and vitamin and mineral deficiency.
Thyrobalance is not only a source of iodine, vitamins, minerals, and L-tyrosine in the optimally required dosage required for the thyroid gland and synthesis of thyroid hormones.
The complex includes a large number of vegetable and mineral components, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and folic acid, which normalize metabolic processes, a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improve attention and memory, psycho-emotional status .
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of thyroid hormones for health and beauty of women. Therefore, while reducing its function:
• mood changes (there is fatigue, decreased performance and memory, worsening mood: prevailing apathy, depression);
• change the look a mess (there is extra weight, which is not easy to lose, swelling, and pastoznost, more pronounced in the facial area);
• disturbed synthesis of sex hormones, it promotes menstrual irregularities, can lead to infertility or early menopause, the formation of mastitis.
The result of the impact of complex Thyrobalance the body becomes restore the structure of thyroid that
• leads to the normalization of its function: the thyroid hormones begin to produce the right quantity;
• contributes to the suspension of growth nodes and cysts, and then a gradual decrease in their size.
• activates the synthesis of sex hormones - normal menstrual cycle, breast removed and infertility.
Thyrobalance improves overall health, increasing efficiency, improved mood, reduced sleep, stabilize blood pressure, swelling disappear, gradually returning to normal weight is restored menstrual cycle. Women are becoming younger and prettier.
Thus, the dietary supplement "Thyrobalance" - a unique product that is unparalleled in the market, which represents the full range of all necessary materials for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Receiving only one pill per day Thyrobalance complex provides effective prophylaxis of iodine deficiency diseases.
Tag: Supplement for Thyroid,Natural iodine,harmones,Nutritional Supplement, Thyroid glandes,hypo thyroid,hyperthyroid
In recent years, increasing concern of physicians is a steady increase in the number of thyroid diseases. Iodine deficiency - one of the major factors predisposing to thyroid disease, the greatest relevance, this problem has in childhood, adolescence and during pregnancy.
Artlife Company, based on an integrated approach to the problem, developed a dietary supplement Thyrobalance providing a systemic effect on thyroid metabolism, the synthesis and the thyroid hormone balance, protecting cells from oxidative stress and vitamin and mineral deficiency.
Thyrobalance is not only a source of iodine, vitamins, minerals, and L-tyrosine in the optimally required dosage required for the thyroid gland and synthesis of thyroid hormones.
The complex includes a large number of vegetable and mineral components, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and folic acid, which normalize metabolic processes, a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improve attention and memory, psycho-emotional status .
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of thyroid hormones for health and beauty of women. Therefore, while reducing its function:
• mood changes (there is fatigue, decreased performance and memory, worsening mood: prevailing apathy, depression);
• change the look a mess (there is extra weight, which is not easy to lose, swelling, and pastoznost, more pronounced in the facial area);
• disturbed synthesis of sex hormones, it promotes menstrual irregularities, can lead to infertility or early menopause, the formation of mastitis.
The result of the impact of complex Thyrobalance the body becomes restore the structure of thyroid that
• leads to the normalization of its function: the thyroid hormones begin to produce the right quantity;
• contributes to the suspension of growth nodes and cysts, and then a gradual decrease in their size.
• activates the synthesis of sex hormones - normal menstrual cycle, breast removed and infertility.
Thyrobalance improves overall health, increasing efficiency, improved mood, reduced sleep, stabilize blood pressure, swelling disappear, gradually returning to normal weight is restored menstrual cycle. Women are becoming younger and prettier.
Thus, the dietary supplement "Thyrobalance" - a unique product that is unparalleled in the market, which represents the full range of all necessary materials for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Receiving only one pill per day Thyrobalance complex provides effective prophylaxis of iodine deficiency diseases.
Tag: Supplement for Thyroid,Natural iodine,harmones,Nutritional Supplement, Thyroid glandes,hypo thyroid,hyperthyroid